
私の自由な空間ですから、 好きなようにさせてください。




Picture the nervousness

The power of nervousness can actually make one become better. 
This is probably when one gets used to the nervousness. 
In the past, when I got nervous, I used to think, "Why did I get into music?" and 
I regretted it then. (laugh)
Now when I am nervous about playing in a big concert, 
I will think what would happen if I ran away. (laugh) 
For example, I would imagine that the manager is worrying, and 
the staff is looking for me, something like that.

The night before a concert 

I usually have no problem sleeping the night before a concert, 
but I often have a problem sleeping after a concert, 
particularly when I did my best. 
If the next day after a concert I said, "I had a good sleep," 
it means that I didn't do my best. (laugh) 
Recently, I usually can't sleep after a concert.
During the early stages, we only needed to play 5 to 6 songs and 
we took it very causally. However, as we now play as many as 20 songs, 
it becomes a totally different world. 
We also took it differently then. Even though I can't sleep well, I'll do my best.

The foreseeable future after "Sora no tobikata" (空の飛び方)

After we finish the recording of this album, 
it will take ten years to make the next one. (laugh)
 I think about various things. 
For example, what should I do for the next album after finishing this one?
We believe we are making an album which is more "pop" than "Crispy!" and
more in depth than "Hoshi no kakera". 
Still, there are parts that we can't tell what will end up before we finish them.
 However, we strongly believe that, 
after finishing this album, Spitz will face a big change, or 
Spitz will take a big step to another stage. 
I think we are making an album which is this important to us.

Questions based on "Aoi kuruma"1 (excerpt from B-Pass)

Interviewer: Based on "My cold hand...." (the lyrics from "Aoi kuruma"), 
which part of a woman's body do you like?
Tetsuya: Here! (very excited) Yeah, it's bulging breasts!
Interviewer: You can sometimes see them when everyone wears less during summer.....
Tetsuya: Oh yeah! (answered quickly)
Sakiyama: I like this area. (pointing the area below the noise)
Tamura: I like the earlobe, cus' it's smooth. (laugh) 
If you touch it, it's very soft. I am a man who has a pair of ears with good earlobes. 
I can give anyone happiness.
Masamune: I donnn knoooww......(He has been bothered since he was asked the question.)
Tetsuya: How about a female dentist's nose hair which comes out a little bit from her nose? (All laugh.)
Masamune: Probably something like the collarbone. 
I like areas such as bones that are attention getting.

Questions based on "Aoi kuruma"2 (excerpt from B-Pass)

Interviewer: Based on "With your blue car.....I left it and let's go somewhere,
" this summer where do you want to go?
Tetsuya: ............(He doesn't have a driving license.)
Interviewer: Who's going to give you a ride?
Tetsuya: Tamura.......to the studio!
Tamura: I would like to go to Hokaido.
Tetsuya: With a woman?
Masamune: No, I think it's with a horse.
Tetsuya: With his love. (All laughed.)
Masamune: I want to go somewhere like Akida's springs where there have fewer people.
Sakiyama: Me? Mountain.

About Masamune 94'

Tamura: The good thing about Masamune is that he can say "I love you".
Masamune: No, I can't say it.
Tetsuya: I never heard an idle complaint from him. 
He never shows his discontent. 
He is like that all the time. No matter whether he meets other people or members, 
he is just like that. I think this is incredible.
Masamune: I see. I do think I am a type of person who has both sides though.
Tamura: No, not when you are compared to me.
Tetsuya: Among us.....is there anyone like that? (laugh)
Tamura: About his good sides, he knows a lot. I also like him when he worries. 
He often worries about things that he actually doesn't need to worry about.
Sakiyama: Yeah...He thinks about many things.
Tetsuya: He thinks deeply, but he won't be dragged down by it later. 
He is always like that.
Tamura: But when he decides to forget about the problem, 
he keeps mentioning it for a whole day, 
such as "I have to pay for my gas." (laugh) He just keeps repeating.
Sakiyama: He is completely affected by that.
Masamune: The problem keeps staying in my head, and 
I'll forget the lyrics and think about gas payments instead.
Sakiyama: Among the Spitz's members, he is late most of the time.
Masamune: I am not punctual, but 
when it comes to important things I come right on time though. (laugh)
Tamura: Yeah, you do. When we were ten minutes late for an important meeting and 
we were worrying about it, Masamune came right on time. 
Compared to yesterday's two hours late, I think today's ten minutes late is more serious.

Extra (from Mr. Children)

Suzuki - Mr. Children's drum:
I like the atmosphere of Spitz's songs. 
We often meet at places such as a street stall. We will wait for you guys in Odenya (a type of Japanese restaurant). See you.

Nakagawa - Mr. Children's bass:

I have been paying attention to this band since our debut. 
We often listened to their songs. Their music is good and their lyrics are very interesting. 
Somehow we often listen to them in Sakurai's car. 
When we receive a tape of their new works, we all usually listen to them in the car after rehersal. 
Although they try something new every time, 
I like the memory when we, after listening to their songs, thought, "That's Spitz."

Sakurai - Mr. Children's vocal:

I am a Spitz freak. I often sing their songs during rehersals. 
I like songs such as "Majotabi ni deru" and "Oppai". 
Our tour saxophone man Obata san was moved when he listened to "Oppai". 
I like the general feeling of Spitz's music and lyrics. 
I sometimes drink with Masamune and Tetsuya. 
Masamune is an innocent person that is just like his songs. 
Tetsuya looks kinda scary, but he is very sociable.

Tahara - Mr. Children's guitar:

I like "Koi wa yugure" in "Sora no tobikata" very much.
 I am also fond of songs such as "Pool", "Shurafu" and "Knife". 
I think Spitz's songs are like "Kori no Knife". How should I put it.....
I recalled that Sakiyama has once said, "Masamune's melody is the best." 
(To fans)Please continue to enjoy their music.

Masamune's talk live in Osaka

You said that when you were a child, 
you cried when you saw Hamen Rider (a hero in some animation).
Masamune: I cried as soon as I saw Hamen Rider came out! (Audience laughed.) 
I thought those villains were probably nearby....

That's particularly scary when you thought about it at night.

Masamune: Oh yeah.... when I thought about it at night, 
I thought Kobura man was inside the fridge and 
then I couldn't go to the bathroom. (Audience laughed.)

What's that called? They came with the Hamen Rider's snack.....

Masamune: Yeah....the Hamen Rider's snack...
It often came with a bunch of cards. 
Something like Kobura man and Kamakiri man.....that kind of monsters'. 
I bought them even though they were scary. 
Since I was really scared, I was planning to throw them away. 
Yet I thought I might be cursed if I threw them away. (laugh) 
I ended up dumping them behind the fridge so that they couldn't come out. (Audience laughed.)

Oh, I see. (laugh) This is kinda off of the topic, but 
you guys released a new album after a year!

Masamune: Yes. We did our best to make it.

The title is "Sora no tobikata" (A way of flying to the sky).

Masamune: Actually, I was planning to name it "Tobikata" (A way of flying).

Were you?

Masamune: Yes. But somehow it doesn't sound good. At the same time, 
the words "Sora no" kept running though my head. 
Well, Spitz has released 5 albums, and it was not weird 
even I named the album "Sora no tobikata". 
In fact, this new album has a lot of lyrics which consists of images of flying to the sky. 
Hence the name fits it perfectly. Actually, I have a very strong desire to fly.

Do you? You seriously hope that you could fly to the sky like a bird?

Masamune: Humn....I often dream that I am flying.

Dream of flying?

Masamune: Yeah! I took it for granted when I could fly in my dream. (Audience laughed.) 
There is a problem recently.....other members also started being able to fly in my dream.

For example, Bass' Tamura was flying?

Masamune: Yeah yeah. "What? I was supposed to be the only one who could fly!" 
I was almost crying while thinking this in my dream. (laugh)


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A Meaningless Counter
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Script:Ninja Blog 
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